Message from the CEO
I am proud to be the founding CEO of our new academy trust within the Diocese of Westminster. At the Blessed Holy Family Catholic Academy Trust we are the first group of schools to come together under the Westminster Diocesan strategy to secure excellence for our schools today and for the future.
This is a true partnership between our four schools. We welcome this exciting opportunity to create something new that will make a lasting difference to the young people we serve today, and for their families and the broader community in the years ahead.
Our focus is on:
- Enhancing the Catholic life of our schools, providing all with a deeper understanding of their Faith and a real commitment to the Common Good.
- Providing financial stability so we can continue to innovate and offer a first class education to all who we serve.
- Securing academic excellence for all young people, where all are challenged and supported to make outstanding progress whatever their starting point.
“Education cannot be neutral. It is either positive or negative; either it enriches or it impoverishes; either it enables a person to grow or it lessens …. The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful.”
the words of Pope Francis
I look forward, in the spirit of collaboration, to working with our schools in responding to that mission.
Best wishes,
Geraldine Higgins