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28th June 2024

The Awards and Rewards Ceremony follows the Liturgy; it is a time to reflect on the excellent work and attitude to work shown by our pupils. Each subject nominates one pupil for Attainment and one for Achievement (positive Attitude to Learning) for which they receive a Certificate and a voucher; some pupils are nominated for several subjects so they are presented with special awards.  Progress Awards were also presented.  Awards for 100% Attendance, which has a huge impact on success in school were presented. Two special awards: the Barbier Award, bearing the name of our Foundress, Euphrasie Barbier, acknowledges excellence in Learning; Alessia Bura was the delighted recipient this year.

The Headteacher’s Award was presented to Olivia Cummings 9H in recognition of her contribution to the school community. During the ceremony representatives of each Year group made presentations on their work to raise awareness and funds for their Charities supporting the Common Good. The range and success of individuals and groups was truly impressive and greeted by appreciation and enthusiasm; the Sacred Heart is a truly vibrant community of which we are proud.

We then enjoyed our ‘fun’ session. Traditionally, the school treats us to a barbeque which was, as always, well received whilst our school R&B band and Samba band entertained us with exuberance.









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